07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Hello everyone on this fantastic day here with Miss Kate and Miss Lilly in the Babies 1 Room.  😊

We started out our day exploring our play spaces here in the Babies 1 Room with Miss Hope recognising that the children can move freely and happily choosing what they want to check out!  😊

Parker, Daris and Peyton were busy in our home area occupying themselves with the play kitchen, food, pots and pans to extend their imaginations and playing role play!  😊

Olive and Olivia self-selected the basket of assorted rattles to suss out with curiosity and confidence.  This is also great for children’s coordination skills and cognitive development as they practice their grasping skills!  😊

Little Cleo has settled in a treat with big smiles as she gets stronger at trying to sit solo whilst looking at the hanging toys on the baby gym this morning!  😊

Outside the children were lucky to have a visit from a a big teddy bear from the Toddlers Room as they have been doing, “We’re going on a bear hunt”!  We also explored the sandpit, blocks and ride on toys too!  The children rally enjoy being outside with lots of smiles all day!  😊

NOTE – Tomorrow is FLORAL FRIDAY again to recognise the traditional Torres Strait Islander celebration so feel free to dress up with flowers!  😊

Thanks for a lovely day and hearing all about it – Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  XOXO