07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Thursday 2nd July 2020 – Babies 1.

Welcome one and all from Miss Kate and Miss Lilly with your little treasures in the Babies 1 Room.  😊 

It was such a beautiful day outside today so Miss Kate took Olivia, Miller and Parker for a play whilst some of our other friends had their morning sleeps!  Our physical play space included – the sandpit, trucks, duplo bricks, rattles and ride on toys to develop our gross motor skills and coordination development.  😊

We have started our RECYCLED CRAFT DISPLAY here and a big thank you to some of our families already contributing items we can recycle and use for our crafts.  We have hung your child’s masterpieces from string in the room that Mr Nick kindly put up for us and we love admiring our work!  The children develop creativity, confidence and curiosity as they explore coloured paints to add to their piece of work!  😊

Edward, Dari, Olive and Peyton smiled at Miss Kate singing ‘Twinkle Little Star’ and some other favourite action songs this morning which is a great learning to encourage our language development!  😊

Daris and Edward were super cute smiling away as they self-selected the big textures balls in our room from the basket today!  It is great to see the children developing to be confident and involved learners as they settle into the room.  😊

Don’t forget PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS coming up on MONDAY – please see the sign in the foyer on the desk or talk to us anytime!  😊

Many thanks for a lovely day our friends in Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  ♥  ♥