Good Evening Babies 1 families on our fun Thursday alongside Miss Kate and Miss Amanda! 😊 We shared our day with a full house of 8 little friends today, including – Bentley, Millie, Miller, Abel, Scarlett, Peyton, Edward and Jesse. 😊 Today’s fun included –
β€’ Continuing to celebrate CHINESE NEW YEAR with traditional music that all the children responded well too. We also sing spontaneously throughout the day some favourite nursery rhymes to bring a sense of calm to the room and the children are loving practising some familiar action songs too. 😊
β€’ Abel and Edward were super cute initiating a game of peek-a-boo through the curtains in book area with Miss Kate this morning. 😊
β€’ Miss Amanda verbally encouraged and praised Peyton and Miller for their clever crawling on all fours today. 😊
β€’ Jesse, Abel, Bentley and Millie were intrigued by our new musical toys in the room, which provided lots of interactive play. 😊
Miss Kate is in the process of setting 3 individual developmental goals for your children, so please be sure to let us know anything you are working on at home and we can do the same here. You are welcome to view your child’s individual learning portfolio at any time, so please just ask Miss Kate or Miss Amanda. 😊
Thanks for a lovely day one and all. Miss Kate and Miss Amanda. XX