Welcome to just the 5 little friends alongside Miss Kate and Miss Jess on this beautiful day! 😊 Edward, Miller, Scarlett, Jesse and Millie enjoyed their Thursday fun, including –

• ‘Discovery Gardening’ and Jesse practiced with his green fingers today!
• ‘Language Priority’ part of the 3a, ABECEDARIAN APPROACH whereby Miller, Edward and Millie responded well to this.
• Scarlett and Millie self-selected the ABC and RAINBOW puzzles on the table to practice not only their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, but also their problem solving by being involved learners.
• Spontaneous BUBBLES throughout the day acts as a good distraction when we are feeling unsettled during the day!
• Lastly, Miss Jess initiated making some wonderful BLUE PLAY DOUGH this morning, with little helpers from Millie, Jesse, Miller and Edward! We even managed to save some tomorrow to explore again as we loved feeling the texture between our fingers!

Please let us know if you would like to view your child’s learning portfolio or art book at any time as we value your feedback! 😊
Thanks for a lovely day Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Jess xx