07 5529 8744 [email protected]


A big welcome to the daily update from the Babies 1 Room on this beautiful day!  Today we started our day combined with our friends in the Babies 2 room, exploring the room with confidence and curiosity. 😊  The children have been continuing to add to our new art wall displays, participating in free painting on boomerangs and flowers.  We learn through play providing us with opportunities to discover, create, improvise and imagine.  😊 Outside play was enjoyed by all of our little friends combined with the Babies 3 friends on this sunshiny day!  We explored the sandpit with buckets and spades, push-along toys as we grow in confidence to practice walking skills.  😊  Our inside play spaces saw some of us self-select the wooden toys of interest including the rattles and posting box toy to increase our coordination and cause and effect skills.  😊  BUBBLES are always a favourite highlight with some of wanting to practice blowing our own to pop and catch this morning!  😊

NOTE – Please see our communication book in the foyer for our families to add messages too if we miss you on drop off thanks.  This is where our medication book is kept too.  Many thanks.

NOTE – Tomorrow in Jeans for Genes Day so please wear your jeans and bring a gold coin to support this worthy cause.  Thanks again!

Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  ♥  ♥