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Hi Babies One families and friends on this wet and rainy day! 😊 We were joined by Miss Jena alongside Miss Kate and 7 little friends including – Bentley, Abel, Scarlett, Edward, Jesse, Millie and Miller. The weather started off spontaneous singing this morning to watch the rain through our windows! Some favourite action songs now in our room include –
β€’ Twinkle, little, star.
β€’ Open, shut them.
β€’ It’s raining, its pouring.
β€’ If you’re happy and you know it.
β€’ Incy, Wincy spider.
The BUBBLES were popular this morning which Miss Jena initiated with some of friends, including Millie, Jesse, Edward and Miller. 😊 Bentley and Abel looked at some new books in our room with Miss Kate for some one-to-one conversational reading opportunities to further our language skills. 😊
Scarlett really loves pottering in our home corner area self-selecting the pots, pans and play food to explore in this learning environment. 😊
Thank you for a great Thursday Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Jena XOXO