Welcome to another wonderful Tuesday, today we welcomed 5 of our friends Bentley, Isabella, Miller, Edward and Alfie.  🙂
This morning we decided to plump up our family tree with some more of your beautiful family photos and our lovely children helped us make some handprint leaves to place on the tree which they all loved the feel of the paint between their fingers. 🙂
Bella and Bentley practiced building with bricks this morning alongside Miss Kate scaffolding their learning. Miller and Edward are becoming extremely agile pulling themselves up onto things especially the musical table which both really enjoy. Alfie loves the stand up bouncing gym with plenty of smiles and laughter wearing himself out for a big sleep. Bentley loves all our different textured balls exploring them all and watching them bounce around the room. Bella, Bentley and Edward are loving the musical walkers in the room pushing them around the room, taking turns and watching each other practice their walking skills. 🙂
All our children are enjoying learning our  ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ each morning, practicing all the hand signals together.
Please keep the wonderful family pictures coming we are loving adding them to our tree. 🙂
Much love Miss Kate and Miss Amanda xx