Good Evening to our wonderful familes and friends of the Babies 1 Room! This mornimg we had to do a little juggle as a few regular educators away! Alexia had a wonderful day in the Toddlers 1 room, which was helped by Miss Jess being in there too for the day! Bentley spent the day with Miss Nikki in the beautiful new Babies 2 Room, exploring some fun new toys! 😊 Miss Kate welcomed just the 3 little friends left with her including – Orion, Millie and Jesse for a terrific Tuesday!
This morning Orion and Millie participated in some orange painting to make some bright pumpkins for our Halloween Display! 😊 Steiner believed that children need free creative play to develop their mind, bodies and spirits! Don’t forget our HALLOWEEN PARTY on Thursday evening and everyone is very welcome! 😊 Millie had a wonderful time with the dolls and play phone in the home area of our room, whilst Orion kept an eye on the work happening outside!Β  Learning Outcome 4 is that ‘Children are confident and involved learners’ and we encourage your child to reach this by being in a supportive environment and set meaningful and thoughtful learning environments to allow this to happen. Jesse loves spontaneous singing to some favourite songs throughout the day, with big smiles on his face to show his enjoyment! 😊 We are always continuing to embed the ABECEDARIAN approach into our days with language a priority and the children are all respong really well to this. Please see your child’s learning portfolio for observations linked to this!
Thank you Babies 1 for a beautiful day – Miss Kate! 😊