Tuesday 2nd June 2020 – Babies 1.
Miss Kate was excited to welcome our 3 friends to the Babies 1 Room today with a big warm cuddle to make them all feel safe, secure and connected.
We are continuing to acknowledge and pay our respects to RECONCILIATION WEEK whereby our children have been happy to participate in some creative dot paintings this morning, feeling the wet paint between their fingers as they made a beautiful picture to add to their individual artbooks. Every morning we practice our ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY’ song with actions which all the children are getting so good at the repetition and practicing the simple signals. We encourage our young children to show respect to the Aboriginal people being the traditional owners of this land and also have a display saying that we walk together as one. We have also been responding well to some music played by a didgeridoo too with big smiles as our non-verbal language skills.
Miller, Peyton and Oliver couldn’t wait to get outside after it warmed up and continue to practice their physical gross motor skills in our play environment. Today’s outside activities included –
• Tent with our dolls and books.
• Balance beams and sensory mats.
• Duplo bricks.
• Sandpit with big trucks.
• Musical toys and assorted rattles.
Our children have free roam of our indoor environment where they are welcome to self-select toys from our shelves as they wish. Miller took a liking to the big wooden ball toys to roll along the floor as she practised her hand-eye coordination skills. Peyton is learning to stand so much more now unaided all by herself which is wonderful to see. Oliver is making up for lost time in his absence and generally loving being back here which is so rewarding to observe. He took a particular liking to the books on the shelves this morning so Miss Kate initiated some conversational reading to extend his language development.
We welcome ideas, suggestions and any talents you would like to share with us so please talk to Miss Kate anytime – thanks in advance!
That concludes another fun filled day here in the Babies 1 Room – thanks for reading all about it.
All good wishes – Miss Kate ♥