07 5529 8744 [email protected]

TUESDAY 7th JULY 2020 – Babies 1.Β 

Welcome to the Babies 1 Room today with Miss Kate and just the 3 little friends on this happy day!  This morning our learners were excited to explore their new room layout with lots of confidence, enthusiasm and curiosity.  😊

We were all keen to tuck into our morning tea to set us up for a fun day ahead and are gaining great independence skills and self-feeding as we all thrive being in a positive and supportive environment.  😊

Inside activities and play spaces included – 😊

  • Chalk drawings at the easel.
  • Conversational reading opportunities to extend our language following the simple SEE – SHOW – SAY technique.
  • Our new animal puzzles and animal coasters.
  • Home corner area for our imaginative play with the pots, pans, play food and play oven.
  • Spontaneous singing our favourite nursery rhymes and practising simple actions.

Outside activities and play spaces included – 😊

  • Duplo blocks on the mat for our coordination skills.
  • Musical instruments.
  • Big soft blocks to extend gross motor, physical skills.
  • Wagons and trolleys for pre-walking practice.
  • Sand play with big trucks.

It was great to have a chat with some of the families that joined me for a parent-educator meeting yesterday and to collaborate with you to set some future goals for your little one!Β  It was also a wonderful opportunity to view your child’s learning portfolio and to give feedback!Β  😊

Thanks for a wonderful Tuesday my friends – Miss Kate 😊