Happy Hump Wednesday Babies 1 families and friends! We trust you all had a wonderful day as we sure did today with all our friends including – Millie, Bentley, Orion, Edward, Kezia, Oliver and Alexia. 😊 After morning tea, we set about our day by offering many ‘Enriched Caregiving’ moments of adult-child interactions during routines and transitions which is a great way to encourage language, learning and connections with our beautiful children. 😊 Kezia, Edward, Oliver and Alexia responded well to this. Meanwhile one of Bentley’s goals alongside Kezia and our educators in the room is to encourage them both to start using their spoons at mealtimes. Please let us know if you have any goals you would like set for your child as we document regular observations to show their progress. Your child’s individual developmental portfolio can be viewed any time, so please let us know if you would like a look. 😊 Orion and Millie enjoyed exploring some of new toys with lots of smiles as they investigate, and problem solve in a supportive environment. Everyday we play spontaneous music for the children to listen and dance too, we also use ‘Conversational Reading’ one to one looking at books as another way to encourage language and for the children to be effective communicators. Vygotsky believed social interaction and language play a major role in the development of children’s communication, and we can never start too young! 😊
Thanks for a wonderful day Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Jess 😊 😊