07 5529 8744 [email protected]

♥♥ HELLO BABIES 2!! ♥♥


Today Miss T’arn and Miss Hope welcomed Spencer, Max, Noah, Cameron, Liz, Jackson and Thomas!! It has been such a beautiful Friday today. We spent most of the morning outdoors in the beautiful weather. After enjoying some yummy morning tea on the mat outside we got the children ready for some fun water play. We put our swimming clothes on, lots of sunscreen and of course our hats! Miss T’arn filled up some trays with water in the shaded area and under cover for the children to enjoy lots of fun splashing and stomping in the water. We had lots of fun pouring the water over the each other, they children would yell “more, more ” and “no more” when they had enough. They are all doing so well with communicating with us what they what and need. They LOVED it!! It was the perfect weather to set up some water to cool down in. 

Cameron, Thomas and Noah enjoyed watching the man over the fence riding his ride on lawn mower to cut the grass. Thomas was saying “tractor.” The children also loved watching the horses in the paddock running around together. They were all making the sounds horses make!! What a fun and busy morning we have had exploring. 

Some of the children have been doing an amazing job at using some of the sign language we have been doing with them throughout the day. Have they been using some at home? Their favourite one to do is “eat” which is a hand to the mouth type sign. I’d love to hear if their are any signs you use at home to also incorporate it at daycare also!! 

Thank you all for an amazing week, I hope you all have an amazing, fun, safe weekend!! 

♥♥ Much Love, Miss T’arn and Miss Hope ♥♥