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♥♥ HELLO BABIES 2!! ♥♥

Happy Monday Everyone!! We have had such a great start to the week in Babies 2 today! We started our morning with a play outside and then went inside for some morning tea. After morning tea the children went to explore the classroom and find their favourite activities. Halle and Avery have a very fun friendship at the moment, they enjoy following each other around the room and playing together. They enjoyed reading books together on the mat. Noah and Finley were sitting by the window on the pillows laughing and giggling at each other, this encouraged all the children to follow, they were all sitting together in a group laughing at each other. After having some time playing together quietly we set up an art experience at the table. One by One we asked the children if they wanted to do a painting, they all did. Today we did some string painting. This was a great way to see how well the children could use their Fine Motor and Hand-eye co-ordination skills. All the children did an amazing job and loved this art experience. As the children were painting Miss T’arn and Miss Hope were talking about the colours they were using. We are all so happy with how the paintings turned out and can’t wait to hang them on the wall. When we showed the children their paintings after they were finished some of them responded “wow!!” and others got upset their turn was over. We have noticed art experiences are a huge interest for our children and want to do more art over the coming weeks!!

After all our fun inside we put our hats and sunscreen on and headed outside for a play. Babies 1 were outside enjoying some water play in the bucket. Our friends decided to join in the activity with Babies 1 before lunch. Noah thought it was funny to dip his head in the water, Liz and Thomas wanted to sit in the bucket. Finley and Halle were splashing the water and laughing. Avery stood and sat in the water but decided she liked playing outside instead. Cameron came to see what was their and playing with hands in the water.

Thank you friends for such a beautiful day!!

Much Love, Miss T’arn and Miss Hope ♥♥