
Good afternoon everyone, we have had a beautiful day today. We spent some time outside in the morning, riding bikes, climbing, reading books, and talking to our friends of toddlers and Babies 3 when they came to the toddler yard for a visit. It was beautiful weather today, Miss T’arn opened the doors for some indoor, outdoor play. This gives the children the choice of playing where they like. Max and Finley enjoyed reading books with Miss Danica and Miss T’arn. Noah and Finley were so excited about the new green hats!


Avery enjoyed pushing the Puppy dog push toy around the classroom. Cameron, Noah and Finley enjoyed looking at our brand-new classroom toy! Miss T’arn and Miss Danica showed them how to use it. You push the little bunnies down into the hole and let it go, then the bunnies shoot out of the hole. Cameron thought it was very funny. Noah did his bottle painting today and we stuck it onto our beautiful wall display. He was excited.

 Group Times

Miss T’arn read “Jack and the beanstalk to max and Finley. Finley would point to the pictures and ask, “what’s that?” or would tell Miss T’arn what was in the picture. Our babies have been doing such an amazing job sitting at the big table at mealtimes. They have even started to bring the chairs to the table themselves when it is time to sit at the table to eat or do artwork. Well done babies.

What I enjoyed today

The children enjoyed the free play today. Being able to go inside or outside and find their favourite activities. They were all so excited about their new toy for their room also.