Good Afternoon Babies 2 families!!

We have had a beautiful day today! We enjoyed lots of outdoor play in the beautiful weather. Playing in the Dinosaur world we created with sand, bark, and dinosaurs, playing on the boat seesaw, riding bicycles, climbing on the climbing beam, blowing bubbles, and having a play in the Toddler Yard!! Before bedtime we enjoyed a picnic lunch outside!

Inside we had some music playing for the children to Dance to, cars and trucks to push around, puzzles, books, and sensory bottles to shake while they are dancing. Today was extremely exciting as Max, Tairongo, Finley, Noah, and Cameron had their first sleep on the big stretcher beds!! Yay! They did such an amazing job laying down on the beds and went to sleep so beautifully. We are so proud of them and how well they have done today! It is such a bittersweet moment seeing all our babies becoming big kids. We love seeing our babies meeting new milestones each day. Amazing job friends!

This week in the babies 2 room we have been trying to encourage using some words, as this age can be tricky with controlling their emotions and frustrating when they cannot let us know how they are feeling. We have been using words like “Stop, Ta, Please, Thank you, yes, no, more and water.” This helps them communicate to us what they need, want or how they are feeling and can help them fell less frustrated. If there are other words you are using at home with your children that you would like us to use here please let us know, we love having your input and brings some familiarity for the children.

Reminder- Tomorrow is our first Floral Friday!! Come dressed in your floral outfits to celebrate Torres Staite Islander culture.

We hope you all have a great evening!!

Thank you for a beautiful day Friends, see you tomorrow.