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We have had such an amazing fun-filled day in our classroom today!! We did some amazing fun activities the children absolutely loved!! Miss T’arn and Miss Maddi planned to do a fun sensory and messy play activity for today. We made some Spaghetti for the children to play with and taste. All the children knew exactly what it was as soon as Miss T’arn brought it out. They all immediately started tasting it. When we asked what it was Finley said “Pasta!!!” After we played with the pasta we made our way back to the yard and played with red play dough making different shapes and sizes of balls!

As the days are getting hotter now our friends also got to enjoy water play today! They absolutely loved jumping around and splashing each other, Noah, Finley, Liz and Spencer especially!  Finley was loving himself laying on his belly pretending to drink the water. Max and Cameron had a great time standing by and giggling while watching their friends be super silly!

After our very busy and activity filled morning, we sat down together outside in a circle and had a yummy lunch, after lunch our friends had full tummies were very tired and ready for bed!

We hope you have a beautiful afternoon, thank you for a lovely day friends!

Much love, Miss T’arn and Miss Maddi ♥♥