
Good Afternoon!! We spent the morning outside in the beautiful warm sunny weather. Noah, Finley, Max and Tai enjoyed riding bikes, and climbing into the box outside, Skyla and Cameron enjoyed throwing the balls and Thomas enjoyed singing and dancing to Nursery Rhymes, he loves the wiggles “rock a bye a bear” song and does the actions.


This week is NAIDOC week. To celebrate we did some dot painting using cotton tips and Black, Red and Yellow paint. Miss Hansani demonstrated to the children how to do the dots on the paper, all the children then copied and did an amazing job at dotting the paper with the cotton tips.

Today we celebrated our friend Skyla’s 1st Birthday!! We sang Happy Birthday to Skyla during Afternoon Tea. Happy 1st Birthday Skyla, we hope you enjoyed your day with all your friends!!

Group Times

Miss T’arn has been singing Nursery Rhymes to the children at the table before mealtimes, this helps them to whined down after play times. This is great for the children, especially before lunch and sleep time. The children sing and do the actions with Miss T’arn. This is also helping the children to stay patient when waiting for lunch to be served to learn to sit at the table nicely. Everyone is doing an amazing job sitting at the big table.

What I enjoyed today

Overall, we had a great day and enjoyed playing with our friends, they enjoyed both indoor and outdoor play and painting.

Have a great evening,

Love Miss T’arn and Miss Hansani xx