Good afternoon everyone! We have had a wonderful day today. The children have enjoyed a lot of indoor/outdoor play today, finding their favourite activities. Bikes, push trolleys, cars, seesaws, puzzles, trains, and animals. It has been beautiful weather today, perfect to keep our doors open and have freedom of choice for indoor or outdoor activities.
Today we started a new art activity using recycled egg cartons. We cut them so that we could paint them and put them on our wall. They are going to be beautiful flowers. We used, pink, yellow and blue. Finley and Cameron also helped to paint some paper Green for the leaves. They really enjoyed this painting activity. We can’t wait to add them to our classroom walls with all our other beautiful art. The children really love seeing all their artwork and photo’s around the room. This gives them a sense of belonging. They love seeing themselves and their friend’s pictures.
Today Finley had some extremely exciting show and tell for his friends and teachers!! He is going to be a big brother!!!!! Finley was so proud and excited to show his friends the picture of him holding little booties and the ultrasound picture of his baby sister!! You are going to be a great big brother Finley; we are so happy and excited for you and your family and we cannot wait to meet your baby sister!! Congratulations to Finley and his Mummy and Daddy on this exciting news!
Have a great evening everyone!! Thank you all for a great day! We will see you all tomorrow!
Love Miss T’arn and Miss Hansani xx