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Good afternoon babies’ 3 families,

We have had a busy day inside today.  Our morning began with free play, Halle loved making towers with the colourful stacking blocks, Halle joined her friend Liz over at the chalkboard where they practiced their fine motor skills using water and a paintbrush, painting long strokes up and down and round and round. Home corner was popular this morning too. Luna was driving the small green truck around the room; she began driving it up the window and was distracted by the rain. Mel asked Luna if she could see the rain and began so sing “rain, rain go away” Delilah arrived and had big cuddles with Mel as we said goodbye to mummy. Delilah then ventured over to our farm animals and began placing them onto the floor.

It was time for our yummy morning tea, we cleaned up our room, washed our hands and sat down at the table.  Today we enjoyed fruit and raisin toast.

We only had a small class of four friends today, Miss Mel decided to bring in the slide for our babies to exert some energy. Delilah, Halle, Liz, and Luna cheered excitedly as Mel placed to slide down on the mat. Weee!! it was so much fun. We practiced at being patient and taking turns.

It was Dancing Time!!! Miss Jeni from Funky Feet arrived.  Every Friday we enjoy dancing next door with Babies 2. When the music began Halle was a little unsure and enjoyed some cuddles with her educators. Delilah and Liz sat with Mel initially watching and doing some of the actions to “Heads, shoulders, knees and toes” After a while we all showed a few dance moves of our own. It was lots of fun. Halle towards the end had a little dance with Miss Vanessa.

Our activity for today was a group finger painting experience. We all sat around the table and Miss Mel squirted blue, green, yellow, and red paint, we even had glitter paint to swirl around, we then added some glue and a few stars and shapes and flowers. Delilah, Liz and Halle loved the feeling of the paint on their hands, squishing it between their fingers. Luna needed a little more encouragement however she warmed up and began sliding her hands through the paint. We created an amazing masterpiece!!

We came back into our room for a short play before it was time for lunch. Miss Mel closed the blinds and played some soft music; it was time to rest our bodies.

Thank you babies for a fabulous Friday; we wish all our families a wonderful weekend.

See you all very soon.

Miss Melinda and Miss Vanessa xoxoxo