07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Hello Families,

Welcome to Monday in Babies 3.

Our morning began in Babies 2 where our friends Peyton, Avery and Charlie arrived. Halle and Peyton enjoyed the car table, pushing the cars back and forth. Peyton then sat with the bead maze. Charlie sat on the mat looking through some books, pointing and naming all the different things she could see. Halle soon joined her friend.  Liz arrived and was intrigued with Miss Jess’s slippers, she popped them on to walk over to our room. Liz then explored home corner with her friend Avery. We all welcomed  Delilah and Luna as they arrived. Delilah was straight over to home corner to cook up a storm. Luna joined Halle exploring the animals in the room until it was time for morning tea.

We all helped pack our toys away to the clean up song, washed our hands and sat down for morning tea. We are all doing so well at hoping in our own seats and waiting patiently.

After morning tea Miss Mel had a few exciting sensory activities planned to celebrate Harmony Day. Using clear contact, orange pom poms, feathers, paddle pop sticks and orange paper to represent Harmony Day we all started off at the window, using our fine motor and hand/eye coordination skills to stick the different items onto the contact…..the contact kept falling off…”Oh No” Liz said

Miss Mel had a better Idea and we all sat around the table while Mel and Vanessa stuck it to the table. That was much better. We were engaged in play for quite some time sticking objects on and pulling them off again. Halle, Liz, Avery, Peyton, Luna, and Charlie were intrigued how their hands stuck to the contact.

Once we cleaned up this activity Mel had some slimy, gooey, orange cooked pasta for us all to explore. One at a time we took turns passing the bowl around the table. It was wet and slipping through our hands as we reached in to pick it up, it was “cold” Charlie said and slimy on our fingers, it did not stop us from trying to have a little taste though!!!

Yoga time!!! We are loving Yoga, every week we are becoming more involved in the actions, stretches and games our Yoga teacher shows us. Delilah loved yoga today and was doing all the actions. Halle, Avery, and Luna were participating is some moves as well. Charlie, Peyton, and Liz enjoyed watching.

It was time to clean up, enjoy some yummy lunch and rest our bodies, Miss Mel lowered the blinds and put on some soft relaxing music as we drifted off to sleep.

We have had a lovely Monday. See you all again very soon

♥ Miss Melinda and Miss Vanessa xxxxxx ♥