Hello families, welcome Tuesday in Babies’ 3,
Today we welcomed Winston, Isla, Matthew, Valencia, Adeleine, Parker, and Bella and Jhye. We shared lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Our morning began outside in Babies 3 yard. The sandpit was very popular, and we enjoyed climbing a lot this morning. Over the A Frame, soft blocks and wooden bridge. Jhye loved spinning the hula hoops around and Miss Mel showed Jhye how she spins them on her arm. Miss Otavia brought out the bubbles!! We all enjoyed running and jumping around, trying the catch them before the went POP! Practicing their fine motor, hand/eye coordination, oral motor and gross motor skills.
Today’s group time we sat with Miss Mel outside to sing some of our favourite nursery rhymes. We sung “Open, shut them”, “If your happy and you know it” and “Incy Wincy Spider” we all used our listening skills as we sung along and did the actions together. Then, we sang our transition song, “Bee, bee bumble bee” together, acknowledging and saying our names as we took turns to wash our hands and sit down nicely as we waited for our yummy morning tea which was Make my own Banana Split.
Once we were cleaned up it was time to explore our room. Isla and Jhye sat with the spinning toy, taking turns placing the rings on top and watching them spin all the way to the bottom. Winston and Adeleine also demonstrated their hand/eye coordination by placing the rings carefully through the pole.
Valencia and Matthew were role playing over in home corner, using the play food to cook, and putting the baby dolls to sleep. Parker picked up a doll and sat on the lounge before giving her a bottle. Bella sat down on the carpet and decided she would feed the pig, scooping up some yummy food from the bowl and placing the fork up to his mouth, she then fed herself. Adeleine found her favourite blue teddy bear and gave him cuddles, she then pretended she was on the phone, holding it up to her ear and chatting away. Later Adeleine joined Mathew playing with the doll house.
Mel played some music and we all enjoyed a dance together, our favourites are still “Baby Shark: and ” Sleeping Bunnies” we always share lots of giggles and joy as we do the actions and dance around the room together.
Today we extended off our baby’s interest in rolling the cars down the slide. Miss Mel set up a fun car activity with car mats, tunnels, ramps, and lots of vehicles for our babies to explore. Jhye and Bella began climbing the slide and rolling the cars down to one another. Isla and Winston sat by the big ramp, driving the cars back and forth. Parker, Adeleine, Matthew and Valencia all sat on the mat pushing the cars over and under the tunnels, it was lots of fun!
We then enjoyed another group time with Miss Lauren who sung “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” and “twinkle, twinkle”. It was time for our transition song, “Bee bee bumble bee” to take turns washing our hands for lunch. Today we had a delicious Superhero Spelt Pizza Rolls. After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music.
Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences after we enjoy Organic Apple, Cranberry and White Bean Crumble Bars for afternoon tea.
Thank you for a wonderful Tuesday babies!!
PS: We are having trouble uploading photos. They will be printed out and put on the wall just next to Babie’s 3 door on the left hand side.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxxxx