Hello families, welcome to Friday in Babies 3,
This morning we welcomed Isla, Daris Valencia, Matthew, Bella, Adeleine, Jhye and Shayaan with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today Shayaan joined us for another fun transition day.
Our morning began exploring our outside environment with Babies’ 2 friends. We were all very excited for the sandpit. Mel placed diggers and the soft block ramps, spades, buckets and sieve cup inside the sandpit for us to explore. Bella and Isla picked up the spade and buckets and began digging. Adeleine was intrigued with the sieve cup, scooping up the sand and watching as it trickled through the holes. She showed Miss Otavia and they played together. Adeleine enjoyed reaching out to touch the sand with her hands. Daris and Bella were curious and came over to join in the fun, taking turns at touch the sand. Adeleine then sat in the sandpit do do some digging. Later Adeleine and pushed the prams around the yard. Jhye was playing with Oskar from babies 2. They were chasing and kicking the balls together. We welcomed our newest friend Shayaan from Babies’ 1 with cuddles for it was time to transition to morning tea.
We all sat together by the door to sing our transition song ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea.
Today Winston began his day over in Toddlers 1 and we welcomed Shayaan for a transition play Shayaan is settling into his new learning environment so well. We love having him.
It was time for our dance lesson. We were excited to see what fun things Miss Jen had for us to explore through dance. We played a game of limbo!! It was so much fun watching all our friends run, crawl and duck under to the music and without touching, it was tricky but so much fun. Miss Jen then handed out hula hoops we tried swinging them around our hips and arms and we even jumped inside them while dancing to the hula song!! The pom poms cam out, it was time to free style and show our educators our best moves, there was lots of excitement, fun and laughter during our lesson today.
While Miss Mel was setting up for our craft activity, we enjoyed some free play. Daris and Valencia were sticking the spinning flowers onto the window. Shayaan was intrigued and attempted to stick them with some assistance from Miss Otavia. They enjoyed spinning them around and around. Isla was busy with her favourite spinning toy over on the mat.
Our babies showed lots of interest in their environment yesterday when watering the plants. To extend on this Miss Mel planned a fun nature collage, collecting leaves, bark, flowers and sand from our outdoor environment.
Miss Otavia and Miss Mel assisted their friends with apply the glue. We then each took turns at choosing what we would like on our collage. Isla, Daris and Matthew enjoyed reaching in and pinching the sand between their fingers and sprinkling it all over there paper. Valencia was very curious of the different textures, rubbing the leaves against her skin/ Jhye tipped the hole basket of natural resources on his collage, he wanted it all!! Bella, Shayaan and Adeleine were curious as they looked through the basket, holding up a variety of items before deciding which one they wanted to stick down.
Making collages and playing with collage materials is a wonderful sensory experience for our babies’. It nurtures their natural desire to explore the world through their sense of touch. children, with the bright colours of the flowers and different textures of the leaves, bark, and sand. The only think we were all unsure about was how sticky our hands were, Daris, Shayaan, Bella, Isla, Matthew, Valencia, Adeleine and Jhye were all holding their hands up high, pulling icky faces. Letting Mel know they wanted their hands clean
.As we sat around the table with sticky hands Mel began to sing our “bumble bee” song to wash our hands where Miss Otavia was waiting to assist us while washing our hands. We then walked over and sat back down to a nice clean table for our yummy lunch.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music.
Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences, including bubble play!
As the warmer weather is here, we thought we would enjoy some fun water-based activities next week. Could you please make sure you have a few changes of clothes in their bags! Thank you. 😊
PS: Apologies as we are still having technical issues uploading photos. They will be printed and placed alongside our daily programe just as you walk into our room on the left hand side.
We wish all our families a wonderful and safe weekend.
See you all next week.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia.