Hello families, welcome to Friday in Babies 3,
Today we welcomed Winston, Olivia, Daris, Isla, Parker, Adeleine, Bella and Jhye. We shared lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Our morning began outside exploring the yard. Adeleine was demonstrating her climbing skills over on the bridge and soft blocks, she then met her friend Jhye on the slide and they took turns going up and down. Miss Mel had brought more cars outside today, extending from yesterday’s interest with rolling them down the slide. Winston showed his friends, Adeleine and Jhye and they all played together, giggling as they rolled the cars down. Daris and Isla were over on in book corner looking through the books. Daris held up a picture of the bird and said “birdy”. Jhye also enjoyed playing with the toy boat over on the car mat, Mel showed Jhye the picture of the water on the mat and he sailed the boat through the water. It began teaming down rain, so we all rushed inside where we kept nice and dry.
Winston, Bella, Adeleine and Daris began exploring home corner. Daris picked up a bottle and began feeding the doll sitting in the highchair. Adeleine found the doll’s corner and she began tucking one of the dolls into bed but not before she gave the dolly a big cuddle. Matthew, Isla and Winston sat over where Mel had set up all the animals. Mel asked Matthew what sound a lion makes and he began roaring very loudly, Wow Matthew you are a very scary lion. Daris came over and picked up the pig he held it up to show Mel, Mel made an oink noise and Daris copied. It turned into a game. Adeleine also picked up an animal and said “mooo”, Jyhe joined in, and we were making cow noises together.
Bella requesting “Baby Shark” We all rushed over excitedly as the song began to play. Doing the actions together and sharing laughter and joy as we spun around showing off our best dance moves. Mel then played “Sleeping Bunny” all our friends laid down so quietly. Winston, Bella and Valencia holding their pointer fingers up to their mouth saying “Shh!” as they fell asleep. We all jumped up and began hopping like the bunnies in the song. It was so much fun!
Miss Jen from Funky Feet walked in the door, Yay!! More dancing!!! We all sat on the mat with Miss Jen and did our stretches together before dancing. We danced to “Buzzy Bee”, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes and lots more!! Jhye, Daris and Isla were so enthusiastic, showing us the greatest moves and they danced around the room. Winston, Isla, Bella and Valencia joined in at times however they were in awe of Miss Jen watching her demonstrating the moves.
Continuing our Father’s Day secret craft for our daddy’s / Granddad’s today. It was Bella’s turn with Miss Otavia while our friends explored their environment. Shhh it’s a secret but we had so much fun making it and can’t wait to give it to our dads for Father’s Day.
While Bella was making her gift Daris was busy using his imagination with the toy saw and chatting on the phone. Valencia was back over playing with he dollies, it seemed they needed more rest. Adeleine was engaged in play with the sensory and pop-up toys. Matthew was looking through books and Jhye, Adeleine and Isla were looking through the sensory blocks while Miss Mel named the colours they could see.
All our friends sat down on the Mat with Miss Otavia for story time. Today Miss Otavia was reading “Spot loves his friends” Using our best listening and concentration skills as she began to read.
It was time for lunch. Miss Otavia sung the bumble bee song to wash our hands where miss Mel was waiting to assist us while washing our hands. We then walked over and sat down for our yummy lunch.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music.
Our afternoon play was child led with indoor experiences as we waited for our daddy’s to arrive!!!
We have had a wonderful Friday.
Wishing all our wonderful dads a very happy Fathers Day on Sunday, we hope you all get very spoilt.
See you all very soon.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia xxxxx