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Hello families, Welcome to Monday in Babies 3,

Our morning began over in Babies’ one. Halle and Charlie were the first of our friends to arrive, Halle enjoyed sitting using her concentration and fine motor building towers and knocking them over. Charlie soon joined in on the fun. Charlie was giving all the little babies cuddles and was engaged with the musical instruments.

We headed outside in babies one yard when our friends Liz, Theo and Luna arrived. We did some climbing on and over the A Frames, played with the activity table and pushed the prams around the hard. O We all then raced through the gate to our yard. Luna, Halle, and Charlie took turns on the green seesaw while Miss Mel sang row row, row your boat. Charlie then sat quietly reading some books in book corner. Theo enjoyed spinning the wheel around and around!! “beep, beep”.

We came inside and enjoyed toys of choice while we waited for our morning tea. The magnets were very popular this morning, our babies used trial and error methods in working our how they stick together.

Parker arrived and greeted all her friends and soon began a mirror game. Charlie and Halle joined her, giggling, and pulling faces at their reflections in the mirror. Halle walked up to Mel with a Shark puzzle piece and said “Mel!! Shark! Shark!” Well down Halle it is a shark. Mel asked Halle if she would like Mel to play “Baby Shark?” She jumped up and down with excitement saying again “shark, shark!” Liz, Luna, Charlie, and Valencia were also excited and eagerly waiting for Mel to play the song. Valencia arrived and we all danced together, showing off all our dance moves and actions. It was lots of fun.

It was time to clean our room up to our clean up song, wash our hands and sit down at the table together for some yummy morning tea. Theo loves mealtimes, he is his most settled. Theo did have moments of engaging in play this morning. We will continue to encourage and support him while he is still settling in.

After we cleaned up from morning tea, we set up a fun playdoh experience outside with rollers, shape cutters, scissors and more!! We all sat around the table on the mat together. We loved molding and rolling the playdoh and cutting out different shapes.

It was Yoga time!!!! We love practicing our stretches and our breathing techniques through songs and games. We al always excited and eager to join in.

It was then time to clean up wash our hands and sit down for our lunch, today we enjoyed pasta and salad.

Miss Vanessa lowered the blinds and played some soft music as our friend drifted off for their nice long naps.

Wednesday is Wear Orange Day!!! Bring a gold coin donation and dress in orange or tradie fluro to show appreciation for the SES

We have had a wonderful Monday; we hope all our families had a nice weekend.

See you all very soon.

Miss Melinda and Miss Vanessa. xxxx