Welcome to babies room 3
Today we couldn’t go outdoors to play but we bring inside all pushing toys and all children enjoyed to play. Some of them were riding cow bikes some of them were pushing toys around. Miss Gabi took couple books and she read them, most of the children were sitting and listening the story. Millie was sitting in the basket, looks like she was comfortable like that. After we finished story we danced and sing twinkle, twinkle little star and all children put their hands up making stars and Poppy spin around, we continued with music and dance till lunch time.
Today we welcomed our new friend Tobias. Tobias is settling very well in his new environment and playing with his new friends.
We have new mirrors on the wall which children loves to play with looking at their cute faces and they make some funny faces then they just laugh to each other. Hopefully we can go outdoors to play in the afternoon if the rain stops if not we will have fun with some shapes play which some children showed interest this morning.
Love Miss Gabi and Miss Jelena!