07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon Dear Families and Friends!

We started our Monday morning play at Babies Two yard where all children enjoyed to play with their other friends part from their own room, it was nice to see how they communicate and play together. Just before morning tea we moved slowly to our room and get ready for morning tea, while we waited for morning tea we sang couple nursery rhymes and children clap their hands at the end of each song, the most popular one is humpty dumpty because Miss Jena falls on the floor while we were singing and they all laughed saying “more, more”.

The children enjoyed delicious morning tea by feeding themselves  with yogurt and cereal with fresh fruit.

Jackson, Edward, Orion and Ruby used crayons to draw and scribble on the large paper. Miss Talia organized painting for children and theme this week is Naidoc week where we will be doing lots of painting and craft, listening Aboriginal traditional music and celebrate their culture. Today children and Educators make a hand print on the large poster with Aboriginal flag.

Our new baby corner is very inviting for our girls to play with the babies, they pretend to change the babies, feed them and put them on sleep, they are very gentle with their babies, patting the babies at the back and talking nice language to their babies.

Before lunch time Miss Talia tell the story to all children and they seat with her and listened the whole story copying Miss Talia’s instructions. Slow transition to the table for lunch for so much fun taking own chairs and seat to eat yummy lunch.

Now our friends are sleeping and resting to get more energy for afternoon play.

Love Miss Talia & Miss Jena xx