Good afternoon babies 3 families,

Today Lincoln took an interest in the tunnel so we stayed in our room for our morning play. Ruby and Millie took interest in our doctor equipment helping eachother check their temperatures, heart beat and blood pressure. Ivy, Lara and Ariana enjoyed our animal set ups with sea snimals, farm animals and safari animals. They also helped each other out with the animal puzzles. This morning we also welcomed back Leilana! Leiana and Ruby got along well straight away playing in the kitchen.

It was then time for morning tea. Today we had oat cake bars with fresh fruit.

After morning tea we went outside for a big play. The children were so excited to run around. Outside we enjoyed an obstacle course with climbing, balancing and crawling equipment. Abel, Lincoln, Lara and Ruby especially enjoyed this today. We also loved sandpit play with buckets, shovels, rakes and dump trucks. Leilana really enjoyed scooping up the sand and pouring it into the bucktes.  And we had lawn mowers that millie and Ariana took to the big yard to cut the grass, bikes, wheel burrows and balls. Ivy was cleaver throwing the balls and chasing after them.

After a big play we went inside to wash our hands and have a big drink of water and get ready for lunch. Today was yummy pasta bolognaise with veggies.

We then had a big rest to regain our energy for afternoon tea and then a big afternoon play.

We have had a beautiful day today in babies 3.

Love Miss Jelena and Miss Talia