Welcome to Babies three room!

We all had a such a beautiful morning playing outdoors with so many different activities. First we had a play outside with our friends next door from Babies one room and Babies two room, when all those babies were tired and ready for a sleep we moved to our play area outdoor. Millie, Poppy and Alia walked to the table where they were able to experience painting using paint brushes and two different colours to paint. Poppy also painted her Easter egg cup, she chose pink paint to decorate her cup. As soon as we finished we took the plastic box with foam and all girls enjoyed to experience sensory play. They moved their little hands through the foam squeezing the foam through their little fingers having so much fun, girls laughed and giggled. Poppy was saying “look Miss Jena, it is coming out through my hands” they enjoyed this activity.

Girls saw that sand pit was open and they all run on the other side to have more fun, they were digging the sand using diggers and put the sand in the trucks and empty the truck on the other side. Alia, Poppy and Millie were jumping on the large shapes pretending to be Easter Bunnies, Poppy and Millie wear Easter Bunnies ears and walked around to their babies friends how cute they are.

Poppy, Millie and Alia practiced proper hand washing and how to dry their hands after all activities outdoors, and girls did great job, they listened and followed the procedure. Well done girls!

Story time today we chose “The very hungry caterpillar” book, which is very popular at the moment and we read it together, while we were reading girls counted all fruit that The very hungry caterpillar ate, Millie loved to see the big picture of how beautiful butterfly he become. After our story time our delicious lunch arrived and girls enjoyed their own food like The very hungry caterpillars.

Hope you all had a lovely day like us at Babies Three!

Love Miss Jelena xx