Hello families, welcome Wednesday in Babies’ 3,
This morning we welcomed Isla, Valencia, Matthew, Bella, Shayaan, Jhye and Dorijan with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today Shayaan joined us for another fun transition day. He is settling into his new learning environment so well and is already forming strong bonds with his new educators and friends. Today Winston began his day over in Toddlers 1.
Our morning began outside in the yard as we welcomed our friends. Isla was very busy this morning, riding bikes, sharing lots of cuddles with her educators and demonstrating her climbing skills on the obstacle course with her friend Jhye. They then settled down on the mat and played with the blocks together. The sandpit was very popular again today. Bella and Olivia spent lots of time filling buckets with sand. Olivia tipped the buckets over to make sandcastles.
We headed inside for some free play; fine motor toys were very popular. Shayaan sat using his fine motor and concentration building towers. Isla and Olivia took turns placing the rings on the ring stacker and the colourful spinning toy. Matthew, Valencia, Jhye and Bella were role playing over in home corner. Matthew held up a banana to Miss Otavia and said “nana” he then was engaged with the cash register, pressing all the buttons, and opening and closing the draw. Valencia was having a conversat6ion on the telephone and Jhye and Bella were feeding the babies. We all sat on the mat with Miss Otavia as it was time for morning tea. We sung ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea. Today we had Rawsome Avocado Chocolate Slice.
For group time today we all sat at the table and Mel sung some of our favourite nursery rhymes as Miss Otavia was setting up the activity. We sung “if your happy and you know it”, “Open shut them” and Wheels on the bus”. Yesterday Valencia was a little emotional when it was time go home as she wanted to take a book home with her. It was called “Go Gigglesaurous” a book about a dinosaur who liked to giggle and roar. Miss Mel promised Valencia that we would read the story during group time today. When Mell showed Valencia the book her little face lit up and was excited for Mel to read. All our friends used their best listening ears as Mel read along. Our favourite part was “Roaring” like dinosaurs” we all thought it was very funny as we all took turns around the table demonstrating how loud we can roar.
As it’s a little cooler today we modified our water play activity without adding water. Today’s activity was all about helping develop our fine motor control, coordination, concentration and learning about colours.
We all sat around the table and took turns scooping up the coloured balls. Valencia was first. Valencia can name all her colours and colour matched most of them. Isla was next, she became a little frustrated attempting to scoop up the balls and decided it was easier to pick the balls up with her and place them on the scoop. Matthew was a little confused at first however once Miss Mel pointed to the colour that matches the ball, he was holding he got the hang of the activity, he preferred using his hand too. Jhye attempted to use the scoop using his determination, in the end he also used his hand, matching a few colours correctly. Olivia matched every ball correctly, holding the scoop in one hand and using her hand to pick up the balls in the other. Bella also did very well with both her fine motor and using the scoop and correctly matching all the colours, she wanted to fill the whole tray up! Our littlest friend Shayaan was next, he thought it was funny to throw the balls onto the floor, with assistance from miss Otavia we named the colours as they placed each ball into the tray, colour matching each one.
It was time to wash our hands for lunch and rest time. We sat on the mat with Miss Otavia to sing our transition song “bumble bee” s to take turns meeting Miss Mel in the bathroom where she was waiting to assist us washing our hands. We then walked over and sat at the table for our yummy lunch with Moreish Italiana Mushroom, Ricotta, Spinach lasagne.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep with some soft relaxing music. After we relaxed our bodies, we enjoyed our afternoon tea with Sweet Pea and Smashed Avocado Dip with Pita Crispies then our afternoon play is child led with outdoor experiences.
As the warmer weather is here, we thought we would enjoy some fun water-based activities next week. We thought this would be a lovely fun way to help our new friends transitioning into our class. Could you please make sure you have a few changes of clothes in their bags! Thank you. 😊
PS: We are having trouble uploading photos. They will be printed out and put on the wall just next to Babies’ 3 door on the left hand side.
Miss Mel and Miss Otavia. xxxxx