Hello families, welcome to our day in Babies 3,

It was a slow start to our morning this morning. Winston arrived in Toddlers 1 enjoying his apple at the table. Once finished Mel and Winston ventured over to Babies 2 while we waited the arrival of our friends. Once in the room he tipped out all the sensory tiles, looking through them and feeling all the different textures. We then sat together in book corner and looked through “The Very Hungry Caterpillar “together, pointing to all the different food we could see. Mel asked Winston if he could see the banana? He pointed straight to it and said “nana” Parker arrived and headed over to the bead maze, using her fine motor skills pushing the beads back and forth. Winston joined Parker. Valencia and Olivia were our next friends to arrive. Valencia sat down looking at her reflection in the handheld mirror, pulling faces and giggling. Olivia and Mel cuddled for a while until She was confident to explore. Olivia then collected a few of the colourful blocks as she was exploring.

Miss Otavia arrived and gave all her friends cuddles. It was time to head over to our room when Daris arrived. Mel asked friends if they would like some music? Parker yelled “Shark” we all showed off our best dancing skills and did the actions together. We also danced to “Apples and Banana’s” and “If your Happy and You know it” Our friends love pointing to all the different parts of their body with the encouragement from their educators.

We had a short play with toys of interest when it was time to pack away all our toys to our clean up song, wash our hands and settle at the table for our morning tea. This morning we loved the organic fruit toast and delicious triple berry coconut Jelly.

Last week Daris’s mum Vanessa was telling Miss Mel how much he loves dinosaurs!! Mel planned an exciting dinosaur play experience including dinosaurs, grass cube, wooden arch, grass mats, plants, dinosaur puzzles and dinosaur books. As Miss Otavia was setting up the experience Daris was finishing off his morning tea and began roaring like a dinosaur, he was so excited! Our friend Matthew arrived just in time to join our activity. Once Daris was finished he raced over and tried to pick up as many dinosaurs as he could carry. His friends Valencia, Matthew, Olivia, Parker and Winston were also very eager to investigate and explore. We all ROARED!! Like dinosaurs, holding them up high to show our educators.

Parker, Valencia, Winston, Olivia and Daris all took turns using the trial-and-error method to manipulate the dinosaur puzzle pieces into the correct spaces.

After dinosaur play Daris and Winston spent a lot of their time in the home corner space today! Filling the sink with play food as they pretended to wash the fruit and vegetables. Winston also enjoyed talking on the telephone and feeding the baby dolls with bottles while sitting in the dolls cradle.

It was time to clean up, wash our hands for our yummy lunch. Today we enjoyed Thai vegie balls and sesame chicken noodle salad. Mel lowered the blinds and played some relaxing music as we all settled on our beds for a nice long nap.

Thank you babies for a fun day exploring dinosaurs together.

Apologies there are no photos, today we will have the photos on the outside of our room for our parents to view.

See you all again very soon.

Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxxx