07 5529 8744 [email protected]


In the Morning Miss Mel and Miss Otavia welcomed our friends, Jordan, Fletcher, Franka. When Miss T’arn arrived at 8:15 she was greeted with big cuddles from Jordan and Fletcher who were exploring in home corner in Babies 2. Franka was happy exploring outside in the Babies 2 & 3 yard with her friends. We then said goodbye to our Babies 2 and 3 friends before going into our classroom to start our morning and get ready for our naps. Presley arrived soon after! Full of big cuddles for her last week with us. Miss Shae joined us at 8:45.

This week we are going to be trying to do small group times on the mat before morning tea or lunch. This will be the time we sit with the children to do a small story time, point to our facial features i.e. nose, eyes, ears, mouth etc. Today we sat down for a small group time before having lunch. Presley, Fletcher, and Franks sat so nicely on the mat while Miss T’arn read “over the rainbow” and “That’s not my Kangaroo.” Presley and Fletcher were touching the different textures on the tactile book. Miss T’arn began to point to her facial features and name them to the children. They watched on but have not yet repeated this action. Presley laughed at Miss T’arn when she pointed to her nose. Before heading to the table for some lunch Miss T’arn said to each child “My name is…” and then said their name. We will continue to add this into our routine as the children seemed to enjoy this.

By 9 o’clock Jordan, Fletcher and Franka were sleeping peacefully in their cots. After Presley had some yummy morning tea. We opened the doors for Presley to have the choice of indoor/outdoor play. She was happy playing and exploring outside where she found some of her Babies 2 friends. This is where she enjoyed playing with the bouncy ball with Miss Hansani, catching bubbles with Miss Shae and climbing on the outdoor equipment. Inside Fletcher finished his morning tea before doing some bow pasta play for some sensory play. Presley liked the sound the pasta made when she would rub her hands in the tray and throw the pasta back in. She also liked to break the pieces of pasta in her fingers, building her Fine Motor Skills. Fletcher liked to pick up the pasta in his thumb and pointer finger. He was careful and gentle with the pasta, unsure what to think of it. Jordan and Franka did the pasta experience outside. Franka was singing and chatting to herself as she picked up the pasta one by one and held them in her hands. Jordan was so excited when we out the tray of pasta in front of him. He had a big smile on his face as he began to lean and reach to grab the pasta. He was not expecting the hard texture of the raw pasta and made a face when he first touched it. Once he was used to it, he held one piece in his fingers and moved his wrist up and down.

♥ Much Love Always, Miss T’arn and Miss Shae ♥