Hello Babies 1 families and friends and welcome to another fun filled week ahead alongside Miss Kate and Miss Amanda! 😊 We only had a small group of 4 friends today including Olive, Oliver, Rosie and Edward who all started their day outside with Miss Amanda and the Babies 2 friends. 😊
This week we have been continuing to focus on our AUTUMN DISPLAY using the fresh flower petals to make a beautiful collage picture, which Olive participated in today. Make sure you check out your child’s masterpiece on display in our room. 😊 Olive has also been practising her core muscles strength in preparation for sitting by herself as one of her goals. After lunch time Miss Amanda sat with us and sang some songs one of them being “rain rain go away” so that we can go outside and play. Edward and Oliver are really enjoying showing of their strength and coordination with using the walker to push along and walk which is wonderful to see. Oliver then had some time playing with the balls with Miss Gabi throwing them and trying to catch them.
We hope to see some of us this afternoon for the Parent/Educator evening following a chat on the ABECEDARAIN APPROACH – a language enriched program.
Many thanks, Miss Kate and Miss Amanda XOXO