07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello from Babies 1 alongside Miss Kate who welcomed a very small group of 3 friends today, including – Bella, Bentley and Edward. The children happily started the day combined with our Babies 3 friends outside where the sandpit with buckets and spades was definitely a highlight. 😊
We all the headed inside for some morning tea consisting of fruit salad, homemade berry and banana bread. We encourage independence skills and healthy eating habits throughout our days here which the children respond well too. 😊 Bella, Edward and Bentley all couldn’t wait to participate in flower collage work as we begin our AUTUMN DISPLAY here. We smelt and touched our beautiful fresh flowers before making a nice collage with the coloured petals. This can be linked to the term ‘Concrete Learning’ which Piaget claimed that children need to be able to see, touch, taste and smell to learn about things. 😊 Bella and Bentley showed excitement by squealing when they saw Miss Kate bring out the BUBBLES this morning, catching, chasing and popping them. 😊
Our ‘Acknowledgment of Country’ is a part of daily morning routine which the children show respect and are practising their arm and hand signals. Be sure to check out the words in our room. 😊 We have also begun a WORD WALL in the Babies 1 Room which you can contribute too as you hear your little one say a recognisable word. 😊
Thank you to Abel and Olive’s Mum for donating recycled crafts to our room which the children have endless fun with. This morning’s opportunities saw Bentley, Bella and Edward follow Miss Kate’s lead to do some drumming with the formula tins! We thought this was great! 😊
Lastly, don’t forget to RSVP to the upcoming Parent/Educator meeting on MONDAY 9th MARCH and a talk on the ABECEDARIAN language approach that we implement daily in our rooms. See signs around the centre and in our room. Please ask us if you have any questions. 😊
Thanks, Miss Kate X