Tuesday 17th March 2020
Today we welcomed 4 of our wonderful babies to the room Alfie, Bentley, Miller and Isabella.
This morning after morning tea being such a beautiful day we spent some time outside with our friends from the other rooms we played in the sandpit, Played on the bikes, pushed the toy lawn mowers around, used the mini obstacle course and played with dolls. All the children participated in harmony day crafts which we will continue to do everyday this week, this can be found on our front door as you walk into the room. We also started some Easter crafts which all of the children are enjoying and I am sure they cannot wait to show their families what they created.
Alfie really enjoyed doing some harmony day crafts this morning this can be found on our front door. He also loved our new puppets in the room and thought they were hilarious. Alfie loved spending time with a couple of his friends at his favourite toy the musical table which he really enjoyed.
Bentley loved trying the mini obstacle course we had set up in the yard today, he also really enjoyed helping us maintain our yard by mowing the lawns with the push along mower. Bentley loved doing some harmony day crafts this morning which can be found on our front door.
Miller was really enjoying watching the workers who are working on the exterior of the centres parking lots yelling out lots of orders for them to work harder which was so cute. She also enjoyed climbing into the sandpit and watching the sand run through her fingers. Miller enjoyed doing some harmony day crafts this can be found on our front door.
Isabella has really found her groove with her walking and loves showing how quick she has gotten to anyone who will watch, we are so proud of Bella. She also had a great time making some harmony day crafts which can be found on our front door.
Thank you for another wonderful day.
Miss Kate & Miss Amanda