Good afternoon to all our wonderful families! This morning our friends were greeted with snuggles from Miss Denise and Miss Crystal. We welcomed Matilda, Zelia, Jordan, Bentley and Franka. Unfortunately, it was raining this morning so we weren’t able to enjoy the outdoors but we did enjoy engaging in child led play indoors, exploring with the musical instruments, giant stacking ring, new books and showing off our standing and walking abilities.
During the morning and after lunch as it had stopped raining, we enjoyed some indoor/outdoor play, going between the spaces and playing with what was of interest. Zelia enjoyed showing off her walking skills, as she found the push lawn mower and excitedly moved her way up and down the yard. Bentley and Matilda have begun taking more steps, so having the bridge outside is a fun and interactive way to promote building leg strength and balance and walking. Bentley and Matilda took turns walking over the bridge, holding on to the sides for support and when they had reached the other side Miss Crystal cheered for them and clapped her hands, they would also clap their hands, acknowledging their achievements. Jordan is continuing to explore his interest in standing and getting ready for walking, the activity centre table was a great resource to meet this interest, not only is Jordan enhancing his legs muscles and building his confidence for walking, but he was also developing his fine motor skills as he would move the beads on the bead track, focusing very carefully on them. Franka was drawn to the shaker eggs, Miss Crystal put some music on, and she would shake them and dance. When the music stopped, Franka was heard singing the ‘ABC’ and if she didn’t have the egg shakers she was clapping. Through music and dancing, Franka is developing an understanding of sounds and rhythm.
Being book week this week, we spent our morning going between different books and engaging in a couple of group times. Our friends had brought in some of their special books to enjoy. We read, ‘It’s nice to be a narwhal’, ‘A surprise on the farm’, ‘Snack-a-Saurus’, ‘Reach for the moon’, ‘Squeak a boo’, ‘My first shapes/food’, ‘That’s my wombat’. We absolutely loved reading the stories, especially because Miss Shae got right into them and made them sound so fun and exciting.
Our friends all followed their own individual sleep routines as best as they could! We endeavour to follow each child’s home routine in whatever way we can. As the afternoon sets in, we will hopefully enjoy some more outdoor play before transitioning inside for the evening. We will see how the weather holds up. This afternoon the children will have opportunity to engage in spontaneous play. The children have been happier and more engaged in activities initiated by the children and responded positively to the activities planned.
Our delicious menu today:
Morning Tea: Homemade beans and toasted Turkish bread and banana
Lunch: Rainbow Sushi Bowl and fresh vegetables
Afternoon Tea: Amazing organic Chocolate Zucchini cake and assortment of fresh fruit
Have a lovely afternoon!
Lots of love,
Miss Crystal and Miss Shae xxx