Today Miss T’arn opened the room for our babies and Miss Hansani arrived at 7 o’clock. We explored indoor experiences this morning in babies two room until everyone’s arrived. We had so much fun exploring the home corner and do some pretend play there. Then we engaged with stacking some rings and blocks with Miss Hansani and play with the wooden shapes and look through them as they have colourful transparent part in the middle. Our little babies enjoyed playing with the soft toys such as lion, monkey, and little elephant. Once everyone arrived Miss T’arn combined her babies with babies two. We had so much fun playing with our friends from next door and build new relationships. So today we spent the day with Jordan and Franka from babies one and Loki, Olive, Zeppelin, Chester, and Braxton from babies two.
This week we have planned the experience related to NAIDOC week. So today we set up the table outside with sensory bottles, bark, sand, and little dried sticks. Miss T’arn and Miss Hansani encouraged children to create their own sensory bottle by putting bark and sticks using their little hands.
Olive, Chester, Franka, and Loki came to the table to see what Miss T’arn was doing. Miss T’arn had some bark, sticks, and leaves on the table for the children to put into the bottles to create natural sensory bottles for NAIDOC week. Olive and Chester watched as Miss T’arn put the bark and stick into the bottle before trying it themselves. Loki joined in not long after. Franka needed a little encouragement from Miss T’arn to put the bark in the bottle. This is great activity for the children Fine Motor Skills and Hand-eye Co-Ordination. Today we also did sensory bag paintings using the colours of the Aboriginal Flag, Black, Yellow, and Red. Jordan, Braxton, and Zeppelin really enjoyed this activity. They enjoyed squishing the paint in the clip seal bag, creating art.
Miss Hansani enjoyed having a small 1:1 group time with Zeppelin outside this morning. Singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Incy Wincy Spider.” Miss Hansani was showing Zeppelin the horses and making horse sounds. To transition to lunch today, we sang “Bee Bee Bumble Bee” as Olive was singing this song to herself as she played. Olive was also saying her friend’s names as we said them.
The children really enjoyed the activities we had planned today. They enjoyed posting the natural materials into the bottles and painting using the sensory bag to squish the paint.
We hope you all have a great evening!
♥ Much Love Always, Miss T’arn and Miss Hansani ♥