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Good afternoon families

Welcome to babies one. Today we welcomed Oliver, Parker, Charlie, Daris, Olivia, Hugo and Olive in the morning. It’s been such a nice day in babies one today. Today is some of our friends last day in babies one and tomorrow will be our last day for this year. It’s been such a beautiful journey in babies one. We loved watching you grow with us and we gonna miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you all in your new rooms next year with all your new friends and teachers.

we thought it would be really nice to do some more outdoor play during the day. so we explored babies two yard in the morning and in the afternoon. Kids got so excited when we open the doors for outdoor area. we had so much fun doing some more climbing on the wooden climbing bridge and the obstacle courses. We also played on the soft blocks that we set up outside.

While we were spending our time inside, we engaged with doing some activities that can help to improve our fine motor skills. We did a free drawing time while were sitting at the table using white big papers and colour pencils. Then we did some play dough time using a red play dough and few shapes to cut the shapes. Kids got so excited when they see they play dough on the table. Some of them ended up tasting it.

Have a good afternoon…

Much love Miss.Hansani and Miss.Jess