Happy Friday Welcome to babies Two!!
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed our friends Indiana, Olive, Chester, Oskar and Asher with a lot of cuddle. In the morning we explored inside experiences with babies 3 friends until we split into our own rooms. During that time Indiana, Olive, Chester and Oskar enjoyed building blocks, pushing car on the floor, play music instruments and pretend paly in home corner. For morning tea we enjoyed muffins and banana. For the group time we Miss Hansani played some songs such as baby shark, raw raw your boat, head shoulders. Chester went closed to Olive to invite her to dancing together. They held hands and did some dancing movements, that was so cute!!! Oskar wanted to dancing with Miss Hansani while Indiana was watching and enjoying her friends dancing.
Today Funky feet arrived for do some dancing with our babies. Babies 3 friends came over to join with us. The dancing teacher played some music for our babies such as sleep bunny, head shoulders, monkey on the bed and practiced some dancing steps. She also taught them some stretching on the mat. Olive and Oskar absolute loved the dancing session. Oskar enjoyed the Sleep bunny as he pretended that he was sleeping while playing the music.
Today to celebrate the First day of Olympic Games. We set up the outside yard with some Olympics activities such as Shot put, Javelin, Skipping, Throwing rings, running and bowling. We combined with all the babies room allowing them to explore the experiences as a group and also allowing them to choose what they like. Indiana explored each activity, and she absolute lovely the bowling game with the Colourful bottles. Chester and Asher played together with the rings. Olive enjoyed each activity and she actively engaged with throwing rings. she had such a pretty good idea about what she was doing, she followed all the directions gave by the educators while she was engaging with the experiences. Oskar loved javelin, he grabbed the noddle straight away to play with. He would clap to celebrate his achievements at the end of the activities.
For lunch we enjoyed Fish/ vegetable tacos with salad bar. For afternoon tea we will be having energy bars with seasonal fruits. In the afternoon we will be enjoying some indoor free experiences with our friends from babies one and three as well as outdoor play if weather permits. For one on one time we practice some simple words such as thank you, sorry, ta, nappies and water to develop our babies language skills.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room.
Quick reminder, It’s crazy hair day on Monday…Don’t forget to come with your craziest hair…..
Much Love Miss Hansani and Tatiane!