welcome to babies two

Welcome to babies two for this beautiful Monday. Miss.Hansani and Miss.T’arn welcomed Noah, Cameron, Tairongo, Thomas and Skyla to their beautiful room in the morning with big warm cuddles. We had such fun day exploring different activities during the day in babies two.

We started our day exploring indoor activities to keep our bodies nice and warm. Children have been engaging with different activities such as playing with the wild animals, pushing the trucks on the floor, stacking the rings, dinosaur puzzles, shapes puzzle and hammer kit. Children loved to implement the fine motor and gross motor skills while engaging these activities.

We had such a great time in the big outdoor obstacle play yard before we were having lunch. Cameron enjoyed pushing the trucks around the yard while Thomas, Noah and Tairongo exploring the obstacle courses. They enjoyed walk on the bridge while balancing their bodies nicely, throw balls and run around the yard as it was a perfect time for develop our physical skills. Skyla had such a nice time cuddling with Miss.T’arn. Miss.T’arn decided to have a water play in the yard as it was nice and sunny. Noah and Tairongo were so excited to engage with water play. They both spent time giggling and splashing water around. After that we headed to the babies two yard. Noah and Thomas engaged with the building blocks putting the blocks one on one to fix a tower. Cameron and Tairongo enjoyed Throwing balls into the toddle yard over the fence. Skyla loved to push the trucks on the grass while she was exploring the yard. It was nice to see that Noah headed to the tent and sat down under the tent with a book and he started to turn the pages while pointing out the things on the book using his words.

It was an amazing day…

have a lovely day….Much love from Miss.Hansani and Miss.T’arn…..