Good afternoon families!
Happy Monday ♥
This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Braxton, Oskar, Olive, Chester, Indiana, Zeppelin and Loki this morning. Loki, Oskar, Chester and Olive enjoyed playing together this morning. They were really interested on stacking rings with Miss Tatiane. Zeppelin enjoyed watching at the paper decorations that we hung in the other day. He loves watching at the colours. Also he rolls over on his own and enjoy looking around his environment and try to reach the toys. Braxton is so proud himself as he is well confident on his balancing skills and he literally runs everywhere now. Indiana was really excited to come back and see her friends after a week off. She was in love with the baby dolls and the lama that we have in our book corner. For morning tea we enjoyed scrumptious coconut banana split
For the group time Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane read a story called ‘’Happy happy little bunny’’. As the book was really small everyone could not enjoy as we thought. So Miss Hansani decided to read a story called ‘’pop!! Goes zebra’’. Olive, Chester, Oskar and Braxton absolutely enjoyed listening to the story and looking at the beautiful pictures.
After the story time we all put our hats n and headed to the outdoor yard to engage with some exciting challenging experiences. Miss Hansani set up the small yard with different obstacle course such as climbing frame, wooden tunnels with climbing bars, Balancing ladder and balancing beam to practice our gross motor skills. Olive enjoyed listening to the story time that Miss Thais did with toddlers this morning. Then she had lots of cuddles from her brother Able. That was so sweet. Chester and Loki were racing with mowers in the yard laughing. They were really excited to play together. Oskar had so much fun throwing a big ball around and carrying it under the tunnel. Braxton loved walking on the balancing bridge while Indiana was climbing to the top of the climbing frame.
This week we have planned something different and exciting. We will be engaging with bubble related experiences as our love bubbles. So today Miss Hansani set up a table with green colour papers, white paint and a bubble wrap for our babies to engage with a beautiful artwork. Olive, Oskar, Loki, Chester, Indiana and Braxton absolutely loved this experience. They wore the bubble wrap as a glow and dip their hand in the paint and created a bubble art work. It was such a beautiful experience. For lunch we enjoyed some yummy sausage rolls. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying homemade salsa and smashed avocado with pita crisps
In the afternoon we found a sensory tub with full of colourful balls. We will be engaging with more outdoor experiences this afternoon.
We engaged with few different one on one time with few different kids today. We engaged with Zeppelin to help him and encourage him with more tummy time and reaching out for toys. Sang with Olive her favourite songs such as ‘’Twinkle , A b c d… and Raw raw raw your boat’’.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room
Today all our babies enjoyed the activities we set up both inside and outside. Especially they enjoyed spending more time outside engaging with challenging experience and engage with bubble wrap painting. As an extension we will be engaging with more experiences related to bubbles.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane…