Happy Monday…
Welcome to babies two. This morning Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane welcomed Olive, Indiana and Zeppelin this morning. It was really quiet today so Miss Tatiane and Miss Hansani got lots of time to clean the room to make sure everything’s nice and clean for our babies. Olive and Indiana helped us a lot for packing away. She would sing ‘’let’s pack away Indi’’. Also this was a great opportunity to have lots of one on one time today. This Morning Indiana and Olive played together in home corner area, Played and observed the wooden blocks and did some puzzles together. Zeppelin was so happy to shake the little shakers and listen to the sound it makes. For morning tea, we enjoyed bananas and yummy blueberry muffins
For the group time Miss Hansani set up the table with colour papers, pencils and paint to choose. Indiana and Olive were so excited to sit at the table and engage with some arts and crafts together. They both choose to do some drawing first then the sponge painting.
While Miss Tatiane washing all the toys and putting them to dry in the big yard, Olive and Indiana headed to the small yard. We saw the horses over the fence and Olive was so excited to count them. Then Olive engaged with the obstacle courses and did lots of climbing while Indiana was walking on the balancing bridge and crawling under the tunnel. For lunch we enjoyed yummy pasta along with some salad. For afternoon tea we enjoyed lots of fruits and crackers
In the afternoon we will be enjoying some outdoor free experiences and then we will be engaging with some indoor free experiences. For one on one time we Encouraged Olive to learn some more words and wash her hands. With Indiana we encouraged her to use simple words, touch and feel the difference between different sensory blocks. With Zeppelin, We encouraged him to reach some toys and hold little objects from one hand. Today all our babies enjoyed the activities we set up both inside and outside. Especially they loved the group times and one on one.
Much love Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane…