Good Afternoon families!!
Welcome to babies Two and Three♥
Today we combined babies two and babies three. We welcomed Oliver, Forrest, Emma, Asher and Oskar from babies two and Daris from babies three with lots of cuddles.
This morning we had a little play in Toddler 1 room. Emma and Forrest engaged playing together on the mat building a tower with blocks with Miss Tatiane. Then, was time to move to our babies’ room and wait our other friends arrive. Now Forrest decided to throwing balls and running to catch it. He was so happy and smiling while playing. Olive and Asher was engaged with the turtle shapes and look like they were trying to identify what shape was that, so Miss Tatiane approached them and asked, “What was that shape?” when she said “turtle” they look at her and smile. Today was Emma’s first day, a big welcome to her. Miss Tatiane and Miss Otavia spent some time with her to build a strong bond and to make her feel secure and safe. We played together with blocks, dinosaur, dolls and we read some books. We had a wonderful time together. Oskar loves to walk around the room to see all his friends and play together. He also enjoy sitting on the little green chair and pretend that he was having food. He was happy and laughing all the time. Daris enjoyed playing on the mat with the rings stacking, He also played together with Olive, they build a big tower with colourful blocks. They had a good time together. For morning tea, we enjoyed a delicious Pumpkin, chia and apple waffles.
Today for the group time we enjoyed playing with Playdough with farm animals. Miss Otavia and Miss Tatiane made a beautiful table with a lot of farm animals, playdough tools, cutting animals shapes and purple and green playdough. They all had a lot of fun! Olive loved the purple playdough and she said “purple playdough”!! Oskar enjoyed playing with the tools and cutting the green playdough. Emma loved the farm animals and the fences, she also liked playing with the carrot shape and she tried to do! She did really well! Forrest enjoyed the animal shapes, especially the horse, them Miss Otavia showed to him how to do a beautiful horse with the green playdough. He loved. Asher explored a little bit of all, he loves the animal farms and the tools. Daris enjoyed using the roll to smash the playdough and made some animals shapes.
Outside, Olive, Forrest, Asher, Emma, Oskar and Daris explored the small yard. They enjoyed playing in the tunnel and play peek a boo with each other. Oskar and Olive went together, and they had so much fun laughing together. Miss Tatiane blew some bubbles and Emma loved pop the bubble in the air. She also loved play in the tunnel. Asher and Forrest played with lawn mower, and they had such a good time together. Daris played throwing and kicking the balls.
Before lunch time Miss Otavia read an amazing book called “Farm”. They were really interested in the pig’s page and Olive and Daris pretend that they were pig and they said “Nhoc, Nhoc”, and when Miss Otavia turned the page, and they saw a cow Daris instantly said “muuuu”. For lunch we enjoyed a yummy Loaded vegan butter chicken with turmeric rice and for afternoon tea we will be enjoying some Very mix dips and corn tortilla chips.
Each friend’s sleep times vary depending on their routines. All our friends followed their own sleep routine and they slept well in their cots with some nice and calm music inside. In the afternoon we will be enjoying some outdoor free experiences and then we will be engaging with some indoor free experiences.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies’ room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents’ hub just before you enter to the room.
Today we had a great day with lots of fun. The children got really engaged with the playdough and farm animals. They always seem very interested when we plan an activity with animals. To extend their interests we are going to do more Art and Craft during this week using animals.
Much love Miss Otavia and Miss Tatiane.