07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello all the families

Welcome to babies two for this Thursday. Miss. Hansani welcomed Finley, Cameron and Noah in the morning. So, we set up our learning environment with various experience by allowing all the children can freely choose the activities as their interest.

Indoor Activities

  • Alphabet puzzle
  • Sensory bottles
  • Trucks and buses
  • Count the wood boxes

Outdoor Activities

  • Painting
  • Stacking rings
  • Obstacle courses
  • Singing songs ( Incy Wincy, Head shoulders, Baby shark )

So, we started our day playing inside like yesterday as we can keep our bodies nice and warm. Cameron have been choosing to play with the sensory bottles and the soft blocks as he loves to crawl around carrying toys in his both hands. Noah and Finley were so excited to engage with the alphabet puzzle as we have previously explored this activity. We had a nice time counting the wood boxes as an extension for our language development activities. Trucks and buses are the popular activity as they love to move them fast on the floor with friends.

Today Miss.Hansani decided to do a painting session as the children love this experience. So, we chose yellow papers, gold painting and green glitter as the materials. And we connected this experience with the sensory activities as children enjoy touching and squishing the paint. We have been choosing to enjoy some songs with music while we were playing outside.

Have a lovely day…

Much love from Miss.Hansani…