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Happy Thursday Families & Friends 🙂 

What a wonderful playtime morning we had around Babies 2 today with a small  the group we welcome in our team Finely, Cameron, Noah and Max. 

We began our day playing with our friends from Babies 1. As soon as the babies came into their classroom they couldn’t wait to explore around – it is nice to see them finding their own interest in their toys. Finley chose to play with soft blocks, Max chose some books to play with and Noah and Cameron thought it was more interesting to come inside the ball basket. You guys are so cute 🙂 

After this big play our friends got hungry and they washed their hands and set down for a delicious morning tea – with apple pancakes and fresh fruits they filled in the energy to more activities.
In our group time today Miss Gabi set an outside table with red play dough and invited our friends to play with – Finely and Cameron got so excited with the play dough they rolled around the table and stuck it in their fingers. Noah thought it was funny to throw the play dough away. Max was very chill at the table and enjoyed squishing the dough into the table with his fingers. When the babies are squishies, rolls, flattens, shapes, scores or cuts play dough they are developing and strengthening their hand muscles. The strengthened hand muscles helps improve fine motor skills – it develops hand – eye coordination and also is a very calming and relaxing experience. 

For lunch today we had fish and rice with fresh salad and vegetables and then a relaxing sleep time. This afternoon we are planning to fill playing in the yard,enjoying the sunshine  and engaging the children in a happy free play time. 


Check out the photos 

With Love xx

Miss GabiÂ