Welcome to babies two and good morning to our friends Chester, Oskar, Forrest, and Nash to our babies two room today with miss Tatiane and Miss Shae. The children had the opportunity to have a combined play with our babies three friends as they joined us for our delicious Morning tea before separating into their own room so we could continue on with our own routines and fun activities planned for us inside the room away for the cold weather outside.
Today we have enjoyed spending time with our friends allowing us to have a longer and more engaging group time. Our friends and educators sat down on the mat to sing along to a selection of movement songs, read a BIG book and also enhance our senses with some touch and feel books and turtle finger puppet song following the children’s cue on what they did and did not like as our group time proceeded.
Today after morning tea Forrest, Nash, Oscar and Chester sat together upon a blanket in a circle to engage in a sensory shaving foam activity with pink foam and sea creatures, at the beginning our friends were quite hesitant to touch or feel the texture of the substance but once miss Tati sat down along side to play along the children then were so happy to fully immerse themselves into the activity. Forrest and Chester removed the sea creature from the tray and examined their choice of animal wiping away the cream and squishing it between their fingers smiling as it oozed out the back of their hands, Nash and Oscar both decided to lay ontop of the tray and then move back with a belly covered in shaving cream laughing with glee and clapping hands together spluttering the cream all over themselves and the room. as the activity continued and the cream was not in the try but on our friends Miss Shae and Tatiane cleaned up our friends and venture to the table to get once again messy but this time with red and blue coloured paint and different fossil stencils, allowing our friends to self select the dinosaur and either colour to stamp with until they were fulfilled with their artwork and when the paint was gone.
Our friends today have expressed enjoyment within their one on one time, sitting down allowing educators to form bonds with our friends playing puzzles, reading books, stacking blocks and having some lovely cuddles throughout the day.
After our rests and afternoon tea we will have the opportunity to bring the outdoors inside with some outdoor equipment inside our room. as well as continue with our indoor experiences until it is home time.
We hope you have an enjoyable evening and are keeping safe and warm within this lockdown period
Love Miss Shae and Miss Tatiane