Good Afternoon families!!
Welcome to babies two and Three♥
Happy Tuesday.. Today we combined babies two and babies three. We welcomed Olive and Oskar from babies two and Adeleine from babies three with lots of cuddles. Adeleine was so excited to explore babies two environment with Olive and Oskar. Olive absolutely loved playing with Adeleine this morning. They both sat at the book corner and played with the teddy bear, koala, elephant and lama. Olive would offer different soft toys to Addeleine as she realized that Adeleine loves soft toys. Oskar had so much fun kicking and throwing a ball all around the room. Also he enjoyed practicing his fine motor skills by stacking turtle cups. For morning tea, we enjoyed some bread and beans. For the group time we encouraged children to engage with a free painting as everyone loves painting. We set up the table with white papers, pink and blue paint and pain brushes. Everyone waited for their turn to do their own painting. Miss Denise read ‘’never touch a grumpy bunny’’ and let the children enjoy touching the sensory parts of the book.
Outside Olive, Adeleine and Oskar experienced some exciting activities in both small yard and big yard. They engaged with the climbing frame and crawling under the tunnels. In the big yard children enjoyed engaging with big obstacle courses such as walk on the balancing beams, crawl under the beams, Climb on the climbing frames and jumping on the soft mats. For lunch we enjoyed yummy sushi bawl. For afternoon tea we will be enjoying some cake and lots of fruits
In the afternoon we will be enjoying some outdoor free experiences and then we will be engaging with some indoor free experiences. We practiced our self-help skills by using spoons for mealtime to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles, find the water bottles and wash our hands. Our new goal is encouraging children to put their dishes, bibs and drink bottles away in the baskets after meal time.
For one on one time we Miss Hansani provided animal puzzles for the kids and encouraged them to recognise the animals and practice some words. Olive was so excited to point at the animals that she could recognise with the right name. Also she would make the sounds they make. Adeleine absolutely loved finding the right spot for the each animal on the puzzle.
We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room. Miss Jess has created a book called babies two memories with photos of special experiences that we engaged with. Miss Hansani and Miss Tatiane will continue the book. Parents can have a look at the book any time, it will be displayed on the parents hub just before you enter to the room.
Today all our babies enjoyed the activities we set up both inside and outside. Especially they enjoyed exploring the big obstacle course yard as they could develop and demonstrate their gross motor skills.
Much Love Miss Hansani, Miss Mel and Miss Jin….