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Welcome to the end of the week here in the Kindergarten 1 classroom! We have had an awesome week with lots of exploration of different topics and some awesome interactions between all the children. We had a quieter day today where we were able to share lots of things from home. Tanner brought his Bluey book for us to read and follow along to, it prompted lots of stories of trips to the beach and other fascinating creatures we have encountered. Being able to share stories and speak in front of a group helps to develop so many positive social skills like confidence, descriptive verbal language skills and building a sense of belonging and identity to the group.

We changed our calendar and noticed that tomorrow was Waitangi day in New Zealand, an acknowledgement of the agreement between Britain and the Maori people of New Zealand. To celebrate we sang some Maori songs and did our own flag collages of the Maori and New Zealand flags. It is great to be able to celebrate diversity and different cultures and we are fortunate to have some children with NZ/Maori culture here at Riversdale. If you have any special cultural celebration you would like to share feel free to get in contact with any of the educators and we can organise something in class to acknowledge the special occasion and expand our knowledge of other cultures even more.

Miss Jeni arrived for her Funky Feet dancing lesson today and the children excitedly gathered to show off their dancing skills and work together during some active games. This is another lesson we have at Riversdale that really helps the children develop confidence and express themselves in front of others.

We have been experimenting with a new flower press we received today so hopefully we will be able to see the results next week.

Thank you everyone for a fantastic week and remember to sign a permission slip for the “Tooth Booth” show if you are here on Thursdays (permission slips are on the Kindy room door.

Mr Andrew and Miss Tatyana