Hello and welcome to our last day of the week in Kindy 1. Today was a quiet day numbers wise but there was lots of action happening at the centre. We stayed indoors this morning due to the rain with our small group enjoying some colouring and other construction activities. There are some wonderful creations being built at the moment with children using concepts like symmetry which we have been practicing in class with our drawings.
At group time we called out the roll, changed our calendar and played an animal drawing guessing game. We then transitioned to morning tea and after helped clean the class by sweeping the floors and wiping the tables.
Our morning activities included some free play activities from the shelves while others did their paintings of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flag. The children’s paintings and drawings are really developing nicely and you can see their concentration and focus to try and copy each aspect of what they are looking at.
We managed to get outdoors in the tree house for some exercise and games before lunch and hopefully we can return there later for our sport and movement session which will include some jumping games today.
Our spontaneous activity for the day was playdough making! The educators demonstrated one time how to make the playdough and the children were then free to scoop and pour their own ingredients to get the correct mixture and texture for their playdough. It was great to see their problem solving skills developing as they had to figure out how to make their mixture less sticky or less crumbly. They tackled the task very independently and learnt lots of skills around measurement and how ingredients interact with each other. Each child has a sample of playdough to take home so be sure to check out their batch.
The biggest surprise of the day was the “Carnival of Joy” who brought along some gigantic Australian animal sculptures that could move and talk. It was a great learning opportunity for learning about robotics, construction and facts about the animals. The children loved checking them out and feeling what they were made of.
That’s all for today, what a fun filled day it was! Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr Andrew and Miss Danica