Welcome to the Kindy 1 blog today!
We were outdoors nice and early in the warm weather and continued our morning outdoors with our egg hunt this morning. We have been learning about different animals that lay eggs and how they hide them, how many they lay and what happens after they hatch. We numbered ten eggs of each colour (red, green, blue and yellow) and each team of 5 children had to race to find all of their eggs. It was a great activity for teamwork skills, problem solving skills and number recognition skills.
Indoors activities included:
- Portrait drawing – using profile pictures of ourselves cut in half and trying to draw the other half, noticing the different features and practicing our drawing skills
- Portrait puzzles – using those same pictures and cutting them into pieces and completing the puzzles, using facial clues and exploring our features with more detail, using this as an opportunity to discuss diversity and accepting everyone for their differences
- Map making – exploring a map of Australia and its neighboring countries, talking about different cultures and the features of a map, then using this knowledge to make our own maps
We have been practicing our graduation surprise with the class and our next step might be to start practicing in front of the other classrooms to build that confidence. Telling stories and listening to stories has been a big interest in the class and the children are getting opportunities to show off these skills with our performance.
Our afternoon will include some chances for show and tell and our sport and movement session with a focus on jumping games today.
Thanks for reading the blog today check out our photos on the Kindy door!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess
P.S Remember to write your chosen school on the foyer display next to the Kindy 2 class or let your educators know which school your child will be attending next year if you haven’t already.