Happy Tuesday everyone! Welcome to the Kindy 1 blog today.
This morning we gathered together in the Pre-Kindy class for some indoor activities before heading outdoors to get on the bikes and swings and in the sandpit where the children have showed great persistence to eventually reach the bottom of the sandpit, we may need a refill!
As we came indoors we called out the roll, counted the children, changed our calendar and read “The Rainbow serpent” dreamtime story again and tested the children’s knowledge with a quiz afterwards. We then moved to the tables to have our delicious morning tea of pancakes.
Our group activities this morning included some Aboriginal symbol stories which some of the children completed yesterday and also some symmetry drawing.
Aboriginal symbol drawings – the children could choose 6 rocks/woodchips with Aboriginal symbols to try and tell a story, they then had to copy them on paper. We focused on memorising the symbols and pencil grip to make our drawings precise. The children have ben practicing lots with their drawing and we are seeing some wonderful creations during free choice times when the children are choosing to draw.
Symmetry drawings – we started easy with simple shapes and then progressed to more difficult shapes and even animal pictures. It was a great way to introduce the idea to some children about shapes having symmetry. Again we focused on pencil grip and putting pressure on the paper to make the lines.
Just before lunch we headed outdoors again for some group games of Hide and Go Seek and Tag. The children are showing great social skills to be able to manage these games themselves. Well done Kindy class you are growing into such positive leaders and learners already.
In the afternoon we plan to split the class to have our regular music session and sport and movement session which today will be tennis.
Thanks for joining us today and have a lovely afternoon.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess